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Students Can and SHOULD Build Their ePortfolios With SquareHook!

Students Can and SHOULD Build Their ePortfolios With SquareHook!
We know a lot of colleges and universities are now requiring ePortfolios for their students.   Why?  Because they are hoping that student portfolios becomes more than a collection of resources, assignments, or demonstrations.   Schools are hoping that it can become a great source for students to share work and ideas, receive feedback, and in a way be a source for career preparation and a way to document successes and credentials.
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Add In the Meat and Potatoes To Your Site

Add In the Meat and Potatoes To Your Site
Our tool works on a system of Squares.   Squares include text, images, videos, maps, forms, and MORE! In our previous post about dragging and dropping, we wrote about how easy it was to drag squares around and set up your pages. But you may not know what kinds of squares to add, and how.
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Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook

Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook
Our eCommerce functionality is just awesome!  We are super fans of how easy it is to set up your store and build out your site.   One of our latest clients-Corda Rope Sandals was looking to switch over from their Shopify store.   With the booming success of Hoodie Love’s simple/gorgeous/clean theme, we took inspiration to help owner Dustin build out his website.
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Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile

Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile
We are absolutely in love with our theme Love.   We knew the possibilities were endless when we came up with this theme, and our developers saw an opportunity to give people a very exciting, yet simple, dark theme…. enter Gotham.
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SPOOTACULAR Quick Help Will Help You Build and Edit Your Site

SPOOTACULAR Quick Help Will Help You Build and Edit Your Site
We are pretty much tickled pink to share our latest edition to the SquareHook Platform! We have added a sweet Quick Help that walks you through basic additions to your site–editing pages, setting up your store, and finally, going LIVE!  It is located at the top middle of the SquareHook editor. Learn how to walk through steps that you may not have thought of, and have pictures that illustrate just how you can make those changes.   In some of our previous posts, we have shared some our latest videos! These Help Videos that walk through certain website topics!  Learn more about: SquareHook Tool Overview Altering your Navigation Adjusting SEO Adding and Moving Squares Incorporating a Blog MORE to come! Check them out for some extra help when building and editing your site! Of course, our team here at SquareHook is always ready to help you work on your website.
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Easily Adjust Your Website Navigation

Easily Adjust Your Website Navigation
We make changing your navigation EASY!  Because our drag and drop tool is so intuitive, you can completely transform your website menu with a just a couple mouse clicks.   View our How-To HERE MOVING MENU ITEMS AROUND In the Editor tool, your website menu is below the NAVIGATION PAGES. Just select a page you would like to move, and drag it to the area you want to place it.
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Why You Can and Should Drag and Drop In Your Website

Why You Can and Should Drag and Drop In Your Website
With the growth of CMS options, you can create your own website easier than ever before.   And we’d like to pride ourselves by saying our recent Drag and Drop editor additions have made it even easier to create your own responsive website. Do you even know what drag and drop means? Here’s a quick synopsis! We have added columns and rows to our editor to make it even easier to create a look and feel in our Twitter Bootstrap grid system for you to easily place your imagery and content.
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Get Found On GOOGLE and BING Easier With Our SEO Functionality!

Get Found On GOOGLE and BING Easier With Our SEO Functionality!
Our SquareHook tool is awesome!  We have a killer FREE feature that allows our clients to put in their own SEO, and customize any and every webpage they have—making it easier for website visitors to find you! Check out our brief How-To video HERE Under the PAGE SETTINGS, you can adjust your SEO settings.   You can populate Focus Keywords, and add a meta description.   A meta description is a brief synopsis of what you would find on that specific web page.
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BOOM! They Have an eCommerce Website

BOOM!  They Have an eCommerce Website
Jason, from Boom! Power Rush came to us with a request-build an eCommerce website for sell 1 product-Boom Power Rush powder, but in 5 different flavors.   We knew our LOVE Theme was great-simple, featured a sharp looking store, and super clean. It was easy to put in their logo and coloring to fit their product offering!  BOOM! really wanted to get to the point, so there wasn’t too much content put in, other than a little bit about the product itself.
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Get Paid for Doing What You Already Do-Building Websites!

Get Paid for Doing What You Already Do-Building Websites!
Do you want to earn extra cash building mobile friendly websites for your clients?  SquareHook pays you when you build on our tool!  Contact our sales team to get started!  Contact sales@squarehook. com or contact us directly! Build a website for your customer, using our SquareHook Tool and get paid twice!  Once by your client, and we’ll give you money (starting at $150 flat)  It’s easy!  Start building now!.
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