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If You're Talented & Want to Share That-You Need to Be Found Online!

If You're Talented & Want to Share That-You Need to Be Found Online!
One of our latest websites was sure fun and quick to throw together.   Susan recently joined our most awesome new 10-Week Training Course.   She was also putting together a website for a client, musician Andru Markel.
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Start Off the New Year With a New Website!!

Start Off the New Year With a New Website!!
One of our latest clients took advantage of our promotional website before it ended, and they had a site liked and wanted to mirror. She put all her trust in us to make this site happen.   After checking out what Jodie wanted to emulate, we knew right away that the LOVE THEME would be the perfect contender.
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We're Taking a Look Back at SquareHook Over 2014

We're Taking a Look Back at SquareHook Over 2014
2014 has been our best year yet, here at SquareHook!  As we have grown and expanded, so has our reputation and product offering. We have been working away, you may say comparable to Santa’s Workshop elves.   We have been GOING!  We have added tons of incredible features to the tool this year.
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Looking For a Website Update For the New Year? We Can Help

Looking For a Website Update For the New Year?  We Can Help
An up and coming author here in Utah put together their website using SquareHook last year.   RuthAnne Snow wanted her site really basic, with a little teaser for her book. When GOTHAM was released, RuthAnne decided to switch up her CLEAN CANVAS Theme for one of our latest templates.
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Join Us For a FREE 10-Week Training Course On the SquareHook Tool!

Join Us For a FREE 10-Week Training Course On the SquareHook Tool!
Are you currently building websites using some other web builder? Are you a college student wanting to earn some side money/experience while going to school? Or are you simply interested in learning how to build websites? SquareHook is looking for people just like you.   We want teach you how to become experts with our SquareHook website building tool and then we want you to go out and make money using it. Take part in our FREE 10-Week SquareHook Training Course and we’ll give you Adobe Suite for FREE!  The class starts in January.
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Let Us Show What An Updated Website Looks Like!

Let Us Show What An Updated Website Looks Like!
Quite some time ago, we threw together a VERY basic website per a customer’s request. BOH wanted to get out of their existing website commitment, so they said to use the same images they had on their old website and just get it live asap, and then they will upgrade it in a couple months. So we did it! Here is initial basic site conversion: Once we got the basic site up and running, they came to our design team, explaining that they wanted their site to have a wow factor!  So our creative director put together a fantastic mockup, and even flew out to South Dakota to get some awesome on-the-job imagery.
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Does Your Website Have Intranet?

Does Your Website Have Intranet?
Everyone has access to the Internet, right?  But what about Intranet?  Wait…. there’s a difference?  We can all agree that the names should have been slightly different, as to not confuse the masses, but what are you gonna do? Let’s explain first, what an Intranet is.   It is a network belonging specifically to an organization or company, that is only accessible by it’s internal employees, members, or other administration.
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We're Thankful for eCommerce! Help Support Small Businesses This Shopping Season!

We're Thankful for eCommerce! Help Support Small Businesses This Shopping Season!
We’re proud of our eCommerce, and the clients who use it! On Saturday, November 29th, shop small businesses, to keep local businesses going! We pride ourselves on our amazing eCommerce feature on the SquareHook tool. It allows people to sell their products and services easily.   Buyers can even purchase and checkout directly on their smartphone! With the biggest shopping time upon us, be sure to patron your neighboring businesses to keep them going.
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Our Templates are PERFECT For Musicians.

Our Templates are PERFECT For Musicians.
One of our latest themes, GOTHAM is a huge hit amongst our clients and SH website builders. One of our clients, Missy from Mister Duo built their site out some time ago, but when the Gotham theme became available, they were all over it! Their site had standard pages, like most any other website, an About Us page, Services page, and Contact page.   But there were a couple pages that added greatly to their site, that aren’t standard on all websites.
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What's Sweeter Than Hand Dipped Chocolate? Our Latest Website!

What's Sweeter Than Hand Dipped Chocolate? Our Latest Website!
We are just salivating at the mouth over one of our latest websites. Pa’s Candy Co. sells deliciously tasty sweets.
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