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A Custom Back End Made with Ease

A Custom Back End Made with Ease
We recently developed a back-end for Industrial Pipe and Welding using a combination of SquareHook’s Intranet tool, Knack, and good ole’ JavaScript, HTML, & CSS. Here’s a bit more about our work for them. What did they need? IPW went with us for their front end website and chose us to handle their back end as well.
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SBS Went the Parallax Route

SBS Went the Parallax Route
SBS Lending not only works with us for their small business clients, but they came to us with a need for a new website. They had a couple looks in mind, and one of them had a parallax-type styling. What is parallax, you ask?  Parallax site design is when the background of the website moves at a different speed as the rest of the page for a visual effect that allows for countless creative applications for online storytelling.
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The Travel Group Makes It Easy to Hit Your Next Trip

The Travel Group Makes It Easy to Hit Your Next Trip
They offer so many services, we added some icons to separate and simplify thoughts on the Entertainment page.   The Corporate Travel page used some photographs for backgrounds.   To add backgrounds, you can adjust your row settings by select the cog icon:There you can adjust your setting and assign an image.
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Mastercraft Just Mastered the Mobile Website

Mastercraft Just Mastered the Mobile Website
Mastercraft Sports Flooring came to us with a desire to update their family owned flooring installation business website. They loved the look of one of their partners, Connor Sports; and wanted to have a similar look, but customized to their logo and coloring. It was such a pleasure to help them up-the-anty with a new site for the new season!We added in their client work into a photo Gallery page.
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We Gave DBH Utah a Gorgeous, Clean New Look

We Gave DBH Utah a Gorgeous, Clean New Look
Non-profit Davis Behavioral Health Utah was looking for an upgraded website to reflect their quality of service and incredibly beautiful new building.   Our staff was more than happy to accomplish the task!  We loved the clean look we built for them. DBH wanted rotating banners, and our tool allows you the ability to add in banner images and add information.
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We Answered the SOS for Machinery Consultants

We Answered the SOS for Machinery Consultants
Machinery Consultants came to us in a panic.   Their site was seriously malfunctioning, and needed help rebuilding it-FAST!  Long story short, we swooped in to assist.   We knocked out a pretty sweet site for them that they can edit at their leisure.
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GBI Austin Texas Has  Stellar New Site!

GBI Austin Texas Has  Stellar New Site!
We were more than happy to help GBI Austin, Texas build out a fresh site similar to their Corporate Headquarters. They had some pretty great visuals for the home page, which obviously makes the site way attractive!  Sarah brought in a design concept that we were happy to replicate for them. They wanted to got live before the summer was out.
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YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!

YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!
Working on food websites is always such a treat for us-literally.   We get to stare at food all day.   What’s better than that?!?  And working on YardBird was no different, except for the fact that the site made us really bummed-in that we couldn’t be stuffing our faces with their food at that very moment.
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DCWV’s Beautiful Products Deserve a Beautiful Site!

DCWV’s Beautiful Products Deserve a Beautiful Site!
We have been so ecstatic to brag about one of our recent site launches.   DCWV wanted to do a complete website overhaul with the launch of their new products they’re promoting at JoAnn Fabric & Craft Store.   They saw some of our other killer client work and we were fortunate enough to revamp their website.
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Sites Can Be Beautiful and Functional!

Sites Can Be Beautiful and Functional!
We are just so proud of one of our most recent websites for an addiction treatment center out of Las Vegas, Vencer Youth Services! They came to us with a strong idea of what they wanted, and what made it even easier, is that they had content and imagery ready for us. VYS had lots of gorgeous stock imagery that worked well with their color palette. We used that imagery as banners for most of their pages.
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