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Add In the Meat and Potatoes To Your Site

10 years ago

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Our tool works on a system of Squares.  Squares include text, images, videos, maps, forms, and MORE!

In our previous post about dragging and dropping, we wrote about how easy it was to drag squares around and set up your pages. But you may not know what kinds of squares to add, and how.


You can select any of squares and drag them into the Editor.  Our tool allows you to easily adjust the size or span of an item within your page.  You can hover over your square (we’ve used this text box for example)


By selecting the double line button along the square, you can adjust the size, by dragging your mouse.


Now, you can always play around and adjust a column  or square size by doing this:


You can double click on and image, form, or map to make adjustments or switch out information.


For other fantastic tips about editing your website, check out THIS VIDEO  
Or contact us with your questions!  We’re here to help you make editing your website easy!

Tags:  squarehook content management system CMS adding squares adjusting sizes