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Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook

Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook
Our eCommerce functionality is just awesome!  We are super fans of how easy it is to set up your store and build out your site.   One of our latest clients-Corda Rope Sandals was looking to switch over from their Shopify store.   With the booming success of Hoodie Love’s simple/gorgeous/clean theme, we took inspiration to help owner Dustin build out his website.
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SPOOTACULAR Quick Help Will Help You Build and Edit Your Site

SPOOTACULAR Quick Help Will Help You Build and Edit Your Site
We are pretty much tickled pink to share our latest edition to the SquareHook Platform! We have added a sweet Quick Help that walks you through basic additions to your site–editing pages, setting up your store, and finally, going LIVE!  It is located at the top middle of the SquareHook editor. Learn how to walk through steps that you may not have thought of, and have pictures that illustrate just how you can make those changes.   In some of our previous posts, we have shared some our latest videos! These Help Videos that walk through certain website topics!  Learn more about: SquareHook Tool Overview Altering your Navigation Adjusting SEO Adding and Moving Squares Incorporating a Blog MORE to come! Check them out for some extra help when building and editing your site! Of course, our team here at SquareHook is always ready to help you work on your website.
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Let's Start a Website Building Discussion, and Get You Rewarded!

Let's Start a Website Building Discussion, and Get You Rewarded!
Creating a website is easy with the right training and your continued feedback on our SquareHook Tool. If you have set up your website, have you been editing it?  Is your site ready to go?  Or has it been a while since you’ve played with it?  With all the summer vacations coming to end, are you ready to buckle down and get your site ready? Are you a little rusty with your site? Don’t worry, we can help you with that!   And we’re looking for some help too. We have recently begun working with Wasatch Purchasing Group, and we want to reward our wonderful SquareHook users for their feedback.
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Blogging! That's What It's All About!

Blogging!  That's What It's All About!
We are blogging, you people out there are blogging!  But with that you may have to go through a lot of bells and whistles to get your thoughts out there.   Or perhaps, your current website building tool doesn’t have a blogging feature, so you have to use another blogging tool elsewhere and you have to integrate it somehow.    That stinks!  So the inconvenience of separate blogging just wouldn’t be worth it to you.
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