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Blogging! That's What It's All About!

10 years ago

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We are blogging, you people out there are blogging!  But with that you may have to go through a lot of bells and whistles to get your thoughts out there.  Or perhaps, your current website building tool doesn’t have a blogging feature, so you have to use another blogging tool elsewhere and you have to integrate it somehow.   That stinks!  So the inconvenience of separate blogging just wouldn’t be worth it to you.

Don’t let that stop you!  Blogging is  a great solution to increase traffic to your site, you can inform site visitors of your product/service offering, and improve your SEO-for FREE!  We certainly love free stuff, and improved online search rankings is well worth a bit of time!

We have the solution for you!  The SquareHook tool has a really great options for blogging!  Just add a new page, and select the blogging option.  Here you will enter in whatever blog title you’d like.



SquareHook creates three options to integrate a blog into a website.  Clients can embed an existing Blogger account, a Tumblr account, or clients can create a blog using our SquareHook blog tool. Clients can quickly and easily add and edit blog posts right in our tool.


You can easily add posts in the SquareHook tool. You are required to title the blogpost in order to publish the posting.


You can tag your article for SEO purposes too!  You can also schedule out your post, so you can build up your blog supply and post them on a specific date.  Of course, you can back post your articles as well. :)


The SquareHook tool let’s you start building your site for free!  Get started today!  Get your blog setup and get going!  Or, if that is too much work-we can do that all for you too!  We’ll get your site and blog all setup and we’ll get you off and running. Contact us!

Tags:  build your site blog squarehook