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SquareHook Is a Winner! No Really-We Won an Award!

SquareHook Is a Winner!  No Really-We Won an Award!
This year, Utah Valley Entrepreneurial Forum Top 25 Under Five spotlighted two types of startups, with awards being presented to companies in revenue, and pre-revenue startups. Their new emphasis highlighted Utah’s outstanding entrepreneur community with recognition for new ideas as well as companies who are proving a sustainable model with incoming revenue. 25 Under 5 spotlights outstanding Utah entrepreneurs and emerging companies from across the state that are under 5 years old.
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Mobile Functionality Is At the Foundry

Mobile Functionality Is At the Foundry
We had the great opportunity to create the Foundry Utah website.   The Foundry hits close to home because we were born there. Our journey began in 2012 when our CEO joined the Foundry to discuss potential business ideas with like minded entrepreneurs.
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