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YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!

YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!
Working on food websites is always such a treat for us-literally.   We get to stare at food all day.   What’s better than that?!?  And working on YardBird was no different, except for the fact that the site made us really bummed-in that we couldn’t be stuffing our faces with their food at that very moment.
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Think Before You Act

Think Before You Act
We found this pretty sweet infographic from Pixaal.   We thought it was totally appropriate!  SquareHook constantly meets great customers who come to us in need of a new website or web redesign.   Their intentions are to quickly get a site up.
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Start Off the New Year With a New Website!!

Start Off the New Year With a New Website!!
One of our latest clients took advantage of our promotional website before it ended, and they had a site liked and wanted to mirror. She put all her trust in us to make this site happen.   After checking out what Jodie wanted to emulate, we knew right away that the LOVE THEME would be the perfect contender.
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Meet Our Latest Dodgeball Theme User- Baobing Shaved Ice!

Meet Our Latest Dodgeball Theme User- Baobing Shaved Ice!
We had a blast putting together the BaoBing Shaved Ice website!  Their logo was a such an inspiration to the look and feel of this site. For such a unique and tasty product-taiwanese shaved ice, we had to make sure their site reflected that uniqueness. Our Dodgeball Theme was a great start to present this site.
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Get a Free Website: Basin Industries Did!

Get a Free Website:  Basin Industries Did!
Our free website promotion has been a big hit for local small business owners.   Why?  Because you can get a great looking site that functions like an expensive custom-programmed site.    As we often say, “YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.
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We LOVE When Website DO-IT-YOURSELFERS Do It Themselves! Because the SquareHook Website Builder Tool Is THAT EASY!

We LOVE When Website DO-IT-YOURSELFERS Do It Themselves!  Because the SquareHook Website Builder Tool Is THAT EASY!
I don’t want us to toot our own horn, but there are times when we see our do-it-yourself clients take off and make their own site and we feel like proud mama bears!  We are feeling all gushy with a do it yourself customer, Wasatch Mountain Lodge, in Utah. The Wasatch Mountain Lodge wanted to upgrade their look to something more clean and contemporary, so they chose our gloriously responsive FLATTERN THEME! They went in and customized their footer so they could hit important points that they wanted listed and available at all times.   And guess what?  They were able to do it easily, because we make it possible for people to go in and edit the HTML and CSS if they so choose! They were able to showcase some pictures throughout the years on their historical page.
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Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All! Just Ask HealthQuest.

Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All!  Just Ask HealthQuest.
When we were introduced to the doctors over at HealthQuest, they told us they wanted their site to be updated and informative.   Their site visitors were frequently potential or existing clients, so they wanted them to have available resources to help them. While many chiropractor sites aren’t the most exciting websites on the Internet, we were confident that our design would be one people would remember and associate to talented medical professionals that care about their clients.
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Need Assistance With Your Site? We Have Updated HELP For YOU!!

Need Assistance With Your Site?  We Have Updated HELP For YOU!!
As we are constantly updating our feature list on our website, we have a lot of new secrets to making your site the best it can be! Our team has put together an all inclusive help book to assist you in your website creation journey.    HERE you can learn everything there is to know about adding images, content, hyperlinks, duplicating pages, adding videos, embedding or creating a blog from scratch!  It is a great supplemental tool to assist anyone when they may be stuck. And, as always, our help website is here as a supplemental tool for you as well.
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Pro-V Painting Went Mobile, So Can You!

Pro-V Painting Went Mobile, So Can You!
We had a way cool customer come to us to create a fun, but professional website.  He focuses on painting and epoxy.   He told us straight up that he didn’t know a lot about computers, and trusted us with the vision and design concept.
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Late Night Shuttles Attracts Their Clients On Their Smartphones-Good Thing They Have a Mobile Site

Late Night Shuttles Attracts Their Clients On Their Smartphones-Good Thing They Have a Mobile Site
Since beginning our website promotion back in the fall, we have had some really great reception, so we have decided to continue doing it for those who want a beautiful website that looks killer on mobile!  With a hosting subscription, we’re building out client’s websites for FREE in the promotion.   Clients can customize any one of our dozens of themes, integrate social media, make it completely mobile-friendly, and organize their content simply and easily! Website Spotlight: Late Night Shuttles Our lovely client Jen, was looking for something really simple but with a little funk to it.   She didn’t want too much going on, because her main focus was to make sure everything was very clear to her clients on mobile-people looking for a safe ride, after a night out….
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