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Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook

Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook
Our eCommerce functionality is just awesome!  We are super fans of how easy it is to set up your store and build out your site.   One of our latest clients-Corda Rope Sandals was looking to switch over from their Shopify store.   With the booming success of Hoodie Love’s simple/gorgeous/clean theme, we took inspiration to help owner Dustin build out his website.
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Building eCommerce On Your Site is Easy As Pie

Building eCommerce On Your Site is Easy As Pie
Who doesn’t love a well made dessert?  The only thing we can think of that could beat something deliciously tasty, is building a store that is easy as pie, itself. Our eCommerce tool is super easy and basic for anyone looking to build an online store. Just adjust your STORE SETTINGS, and you can add products, setup billing, process payments, offer coupon discounts for promotional deals, and much more! Easily add products to your store, by selecting the +Add Product button.
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