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Happy Birthday America! Live THE AMERICAN DREAM-Build Your Own Business

Happy Birthday America!  Live THE AMERICAN DREAM-Build Your Own Business
We’re Here to Help You Get Your Store Online and MobileWe’ve built our eCommerce store builder with every user in mind. You don’t have to have a technical background to create a fantastic online store. We provide you with the tools you need to get your online business setup-right now!  Your store will not just be online, but completely mobile.
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Breaking News: Website Theme Yoko CAN DO ANYTHING!

Breaking News:  Website Theme Yoko CAN DO ANYTHING!
The more we spotlight some of our websites, the more we are like, ‘daaaaaaang!’ Our Yoko theme is way popular amongst our SquareHook team and our clients.   We’ve used it for painters, landscapers, snocone huts, exercise equipment company, and more! YOKO’s simplicity makes it really easy to adjust and style to suit your needs.   After showing web samples and discussing the look and feel for Las Vegas business RoadHouse Seats, it was pretty clear that YOKO would be a great contender.
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From Google to Apps-Mobile Search Is Beginning to Pivot

From Google to Apps-Mobile Search Is Beginning to Pivot
With the growth of smartphone and tablet users, comes the surge of apps and mobiles sites.    Why is it growing so rampantly? you may be asking. With all the perks of promotional advertising, we see users clicking through to collect their reward; and it is growing fast!  With the growth of smartphones and tablets comes an increase in the user knowledge of the owners of theses devices.
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We LOVE When Website DO-IT-YOURSELFERS Do It Themselves! Because the SquareHook Website Builder Tool Is THAT EASY!

We LOVE When Website DO-IT-YOURSELFERS Do It Themselves!  Because the SquareHook Website Builder Tool Is THAT EASY!
I don’t want us to toot our own horn, but there are times when we see our do-it-yourself clients take off and make their own site and we feel like proud mama bears!  We are feeling all gushy with a do it yourself customer, Wasatch Mountain Lodge, in Utah. The Wasatch Mountain Lodge wanted to upgrade their look to something more clean and contemporary, so they chose our gloriously responsive FLATTERN THEME! They went in and customized their footer so they could hit important points that they wanted listed and available at all times.   And guess what?  They were able to do it easily, because we make it possible for people to go in and edit the HTML and CSS if they so choose! They were able to showcase some pictures throughout the years on their historical page.
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It's Summer Time--Translation: Farmer's Market Time! Get That Grower a Website!

It's Summer Time--Translation: Farmer's Market Time!  Get That Grower a Website!
With the wonderful weather of the summer, come lots and lots of fantastic farmer’s markets and fruit stands along the street.   We love it!  One of our clients grew up selling fruit to their local neighbors and grocery stores.   They gave out business cards with contact information, and would constantly get flooded with phone calls asking when their fruit would be on- before the picking season was ready.
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How do I create a logo for my business?

How do I create a logo for my business?
We regularly get new customers that ask us for assistance on creating a logo for their business.  We thought it would be interesting to share what we did when creating our logo for SquareHook.  This process is a process that we have used with numerous businesses to help them define what their logo should be.
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Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All! Just Ask HealthQuest.

Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All!  Just Ask HealthQuest.
When we were introduced to the doctors over at HealthQuest, they told us they wanted their site to be updated and informative.   Their site visitors were frequently potential or existing clients, so they wanted them to have available resources to help them. While many chiropractor sites aren’t the most exciting websites on the Internet, we were confident that our design would be one people would remember and associate to talented medical professionals that care about their clients.
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Google Is Getting Your Back, Or At Least Your Mobile Website Search

Google Is Getting Your Back, Or At Least Your Mobile Website Search
We don’t know about you, but there are times we are Googling something on our smartphones, and once we click on where we’re supposed to be going it will kick you directly back to the homepage on that site.   BUT WHY?!?! Pretty regularly it’s because the site you’re searching on is redirecting you to their “mobile-friendly” version.   Their site isn’t actually responsive and adapting.
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Blogging! That's What It's All About!

Blogging!  That's What It's All About!
We are blogging, you people out there are blogging!  But with that you may have to go through a lot of bells and whistles to get your thoughts out there.   Or perhaps, your current website building tool doesn’t have a blogging feature, so you have to use another blogging tool elsewhere and you have to integrate it somehow.    That stinks!  So the inconvenience of separate blogging just wouldn’t be worth it to you.
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Need Assistance With Your Site? We Have Updated HELP For YOU!!

Need Assistance With Your Site?  We Have Updated HELP For YOU!!
As we are constantly updating our feature list on our website, we have a lot of new secrets to making your site the best it can be! Our team has put together an all inclusive help book to assist you in your website creation journey.    HERE you can learn everything there is to know about adding images, content, hyperlinks, duplicating pages, adding videos, embedding or creating a blog from scratch!  It is a great supplemental tool to assist anyone when they may be stuck. And, as always, our help website is here as a supplemental tool for you as well.
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