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You CAN Build a Website to Reach Your Target Audience-Ask Victim or Victor?

11 years ago

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While hosting our monthly meetup, we met a stellar gal named Shayne.  She wanted to learn more about creating a web presence, from social media sharing to google analytics, and of course how to build a website.  Shayne told us she had ZERO experience with web design and she was at a point in her business, that she knew she needed to have a Victim of Victor? website to grow her following.

Our website promotion had her interest peaked, and after discussing what kind of look she was going for, we knew that ‘THREE SHEARS LIGHT’ was right up her alley for a starting point!


She wanted her VOV site to be both feminine and empowering. So we incorporated coloring and imagery to reflect that.   Shayne also wanted ever-changing messages that had great images and quotes that represented her self defense and empowerment message.  So we added a rotating banner that she can change on the fly.  If she wants to replace new images or quotes out for old ones, Shayne can!


Our client also very much wanted to provide information and inspiration throughout her site.  Her site needs required the capabilities to handle a substantial amount of files.  Luckily, she came to the right place! 

The SquareHook tool gives its users the ability to easily upload files into the tool, so they can be referenced, provide printable forms, and links to pertinent information.


If our client finds some new interesting articles, she can now easily add a file and link it throughout her site.  It doesn’t require her to call another to do if for her.  Our tool was built with the user in mind-creating an ease of use, for everyone.


Like every client we work with, we walked her through how to edit and manage her website.  We want every SquareHook client comfortable with our tool so they feel confident enough to edit their own site.  SquareHook is always available for assistance if further questions are needed.

To check out some of our other great templates, click here.  And remember, all of these templates are customizable to fit your design needs!   Contact us if you have questions about our tool or are interested in learning more about how to build your own website.

Tags:  warriors in heels squarehook website promotion victim or victor? do it yourself build your own website mobile website