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S.C.O.R.E. SS Is a Sure Bet!

3 years ago

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S.C.O.R.E. S SS just went live, and it sure looks like a slam dunk! Their partnering company, Sport Court of the Rockies was looking for a site that they could easily add and edit, and we knew exactly how to showcase their client work.

Since S.C.O.R.E. SS offers several different flooring options, we had to be sure to be clear about what each flooring style provided for sport activities.

Their Gallery showcases the variety of flooring options they have, so you can get examples of previous client work, and filter your search accordingly. 

S.C.O.R.E. Sports Specialist wanted to be sure their potential clients know the services they offer, and what their consultants provide-helping every step of the design/construction way!

We know their very capable team at S.C.O.R.E. SS can now edit their site as their business expands and continues to grow. They can easily add images to their gallery on a whim, or customize their forms-whenever they want. Our content management tool is that easy!

If you are looking to build a new site, contact our team. We’re happy to assist! (see what we did there?)

Tags:  sports flooring squarehook your website made easy CMS mobile website responsive design