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Why We Do Mobile

12 years ago

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How many of you readers out there love your mobile phone?  Wait….I should have first asked, ‘how many of you own a smart phone?'  I would dare say that a great percentage of the population are smart phone owners at this point.

Of the world’s 4 Billion mobile phones, 1.08 Billion are smartphones (source, http://thesocialskinny.com/100-social-media-statistics-for-2012/ )….and that is growing rapidly!  I myself, love my smart phone.  But you know what I don’t love?  I don’t love sites that are inaccessible on my phone–ones that I have to pinch and zoom to view the content.

A truly mobile site should be super user-friendly, with an easy navigation, and large topic buttons that lead me where I want to go.  I love when I hit a beautiful mobile site because it isn’t hard to locate what I’m looking for.  It’s great!

And that’s why I love working where I do.  We convert existing sites or create sites from the ground up, using responsive design-so you can view a site on any device.  You don’t have to click 'desktop version’ or 'mobile version’—-the site just responds directly to the device you’re using.  I am a huge advocate for ease-of-use with everything.  And for those business owners out there who are working hard promoting a great product/service, you don’t need to spend extra time worrying about a site that you don’t even know where to start.  SquareHook can take care of your site for you. 

Mobile Internet usage is expected to overtake desktop Internet usage by the end of 2013…are you ready for that change?
