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Green Light Auto Solutions Gave Us the Greenlight to Build Their Site

9 years ago

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Trygg from Green Light Auto Solutions contacted us to knock a website out for their company. They didn’t have a lot of website needs. Green Light only needed a few pages, so they took advantage of our website promotion.


They did want some great visuals, so they enlisted the talents of our graphic designer to find/create some great images that fit their needs.


Our form builder feature is great for them, because GLAS wanted site visitors to specifically contact them to get started.


We added a fun accordion feature on their Existing Customers page that drops down, so site visitors wouldn’t be overwhelmed with content and information. A user can select the ‘Learn More’ button to find out more information, if they wanted to or not.


We were so pleased with the speed we were able to put this website together!  They really wanted to get this launched as soon as possible, so we worked as quick as we could to get it up and going for them. 

We also just had to share a sweet mobile shot of their site too.  Yeah for mobile-friendly websites!  If you’re looking for a top notch website, or help creating an awesome site, contact us! :)

Tags:  SquareHook Green Light Auto Solutions website promotion Twitter Bootstrap CMS