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This Business Consultant Thought Smart and Went With Our Website Promotion

9 years ago

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We were more than happy to knock this website out-in 1 day, for our client Ralph Little.  He wanted a basic landing page with a smidge of information about his education and consulting background, along with his contact information.  We knew that his needs were simple, so we offered him our rad website promotion.


The only other element he wanted was a blog.  So we used our sweet blogging feature to begin his blog page. Ralph said that down the road he wants to flesh out his site, but for now, his needs were super simple. 

Not only can Ralph go in to his website and continue to add more pages and blog entries at his leisure, but we were able to create an informative and responsible site for him in less than 2 business days!  Now that is service!

If you are looking to do the same thing, contact us.  We are here to help make your website dreams come true!  801-386-9828.   Happy Creating!

Tags:  SquareHook website promotion CMS Ralph K Little manage your website Mobile website business consulting