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Check Out Our Multi-Dealer Feature At Work!

9 years ago

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We have been so thrilled to implement a multi-dealer feature to replicate websites easily for clients who franchise or clone their site for different locations.  We know the Sport Court Dealers would love the updated Sport Court website!

We created a customized template for the Sport Court Dealers. It has a similar look and feel to the corporate headquarters, but can be customized to focus on sports related to their specific location….because heaven know that ice hockey is a lot more popular back east than west coast #amiright?


Sport Court of Southern California was one of our first template customizers.  It has been such a pleasure working with them! Their team wanted to incorporate a number of outside sports that were more specific for their area.  They worked with us to customize their accessories products page as well as their outdoor and indoor sports



One of our favorite features of the template we created for the SC dealers is the ability for them to adjust their product offering.  They don’t have to add a completely new page for every product (that would be ALOT of pages)….they can just add a product to their adjusted eCommerce page. 


Sport Court SC can adjust any product just by selecting it and adjusting content and imagery.


We are so pumped that Sport Court Southern California is up and running, and trained, so they can easily update their website as their product offerings change!  

If you’re looking to create a killer website, or are interested in duplicating your existing website, contact us!  We’re happy to help in any way.  We’re also very available for your website building questions!  801-386-9828

Tags:  SquareHook Sport Court Sport Court of Southern California multi-dealer website CMS Twitter Bootstrap mobile website sports flooring