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Students Can and SHOULD Build Their ePortfolios With SquareHook!

10 years ago

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We know a lot of colleges and universities are now requiring ePortfolios for their students.  Why?  Because they are hoping that student portfolios becomes more than a collection of resources, assignments, or demonstrations.  Schools are hoping that it can become a great source for students to share work and ideas, receive feedback, and in a way be a source for career preparation and a way to document successes and credentials.

We wanted to share an ePortfolio we stumbled upon, from one of our SquareHook users.  We asked his permission to share his ePortfolio-as it was simple and clean, it gave a good idea as to what you can do to showcase yourself and your work.

Brian chose to use the INVERSE theme to build his ePortfolio for his courses at SLCC. He wanted to keep the design simple, so he could showcase a bit about himself and his background:


For his Coursework page, he needed to add his submitted final projects for his semester courses. He chose to use a table within a text square to make that happen.  He added file icons that were click-able to site visitors (in this case, his professors that would be visiting his portfolio to access his homework):


He added a Linked Page to make his current resume accessible.  He was able to do that, and add his coursework assignments in by uploading them into his Files, then copying the URLs to link them off:


And finally, he added a simple contact page, for people to get a hold of him.  He linked both his emails as well as created a contact form for people to get in touch with him.


We think Brian’s new ePortfolio is a great start to illustrate what he can do with our CMS tool, as well a great way to showcase himself and his background.  We certainly encourage students out there to give our CMS a try when building their college ePortfolios!  Contact us at 801-386-9828 if you would like assistance in putting yours together!  And remember, building something like this is FREE for you to use. :)  Try it out today!

Tags:  ePortfolios SquareHook student portfolio sharing of ideas universities another CMS option mobile friendly online resume CMS Superior CMS